When beginning your project of creating the perfect home theater you might wonder what actually makes a custom home theater look amazing. Of course, we’ll tell you that the theater seating is #1 priority! You might also wonder if your media room is large enough to accommodate several seats.
Hopefully, this page will answer your question. Whether you’re looking for custom home theater seating or quick-ship home theater seating, you want to be sure the chair style fits your personal style. At
McCabe’s Theater & Living we want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase and buying something you’re “iffy” about is never recommended by us.
The main factor you’ll want to start with is the size of the chairs. So, let’s start with the size of your media room. If you are working with a smaller scale room that has a width of 10-12 feet then you’ll want to look at The Palliser Audio which is 90" for a straight row of 3 chairs. You’ll also want to determine where the chairs will be placed. If your theater chairs be in the back of the room and you don’t need to walk around them then an 8' row width is perfectly fine for a room that has a width of 10 feet. Ideally, you’ll want to have about 2 feet on each side to walk around if the chairs will be centered in the room.
Another option many people choose if they’re looking to have more seating options is to choose a chair, loveseat, chair straight row configuration. The width for any of the 3 styles mentioned above in this configuration is 114″-120" or 9-1/2-10 feet so with a loveseat in the middle you’re saving inches of space. Remember, if the chairs will be at the back of the room then you’ll need 4-6 inches from the wall to recline!